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Meditation Instruction and Spirit Filled Gatherings

Coming soon!


The Center for Living Arts is expanding it's overall vision to include instruction and experiences in meditation.














The Center will also be offering weekly services in our new location that honors the sacred in our lives.  These gatherings are entirely participatory and will include singing, dancing, technology, creativity and more. They may look like a rave setting, but they are geared for all ages.  They have been touted as some of the most transforming moments in the participants' lives!


More information to follow soon.
























Dino Hayz also performs specialized weddings and can be reached to create a ceremony especially for you. 


Call him at 563-340-7816.




That's right. This is a picture of a sacred gathering. People of ALL ages walk away from these ritualized gatherings transformed and more themselves, their inner being and each other.

© 2006-2024 by Center for Living Arts



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